6 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Perangkat Perkuliahan Mikrobiologi Terapan Berbasis Masalah

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    PENDAHULUAN Perkuliahan di Prodi Pendidikan Biologi PPs UNIMED sejak diberdirikannya tahun 2008 mengarah pada student centered. Demikian juga pada perkuliahan Mikrobiologi Terapan, bahwa mahasiswa dalam mengikuti perkuliahan ini aktif dalam kegiatan pencarian literatur, pengumpulan bahan perkuliahan, mempresentasikan materi, dan melakukan pendalaman materi dalam kegiatan tanya jawab antar sesama mahasiswa dan dosen. Mata kuliah Mikrobiologi Terapan ini merupakan mata kuliah wajib diikuti oleh setiap mahasiswa di Prodi Magister Pendidikan Biologi, yang diperoleh mahasiswa pada setiap semester tiga dengan bobot tiga sks

    Effectiveness of Mind-Map Based-Project Based Learning and Concept Map Based-Project Based Learning on Environmental Science Course at Universitas Lancang Kuning Pekanbaru

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    This research aims to determine the effectiveness of three treatments of learning models, i.e. project based learning based on mind maps, project based learning using the concept map, and conventional learning method on mastery the concept of environmental science course. Research was done at Universitas Lancang Kuning Peknbaru. Research method was a quasi experiment with pretest and posttest design. The participants were second semester students of Biology Education in academic year 2014 and 2015, consisting of three classes. Class B was the experiment 1 (20 students), Class B was experiment 2 (23 students), and class C was control (20 students). The cognitive knowledge of students was tested by assessment of cognitive test (C1-C6). Data was normal and homogeneous. Data analysis was analysis covariat (anacova) and the least significant difference (LSD). The results showed that the treatments significantly influenced the concept mastery. The ability of mastery of the concept of a student who study with project based learning using mind map was (81,17 ± 12,72) or not differ significantly with the concept map based-project based learning (78,84 ± 12,29) (P = 0,521) and conventional learning. There are significant differences between the mastery of the concept of (67,00 ± 10.8) (P = 0.00). Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that Concept Map based- Project based learning is more effective than other treatments

    Efektivitas Penerapan Perangkat Perkuliahan Mikrobiologi Berbasis Kontekstual terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi Mahasiwa Pendidikan Biologi Unimed

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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the application of lectures in the pattern of six task models (routine tasks, critical journal analysis, textbook critical analysis, idea engineering, mini research, and projects) on students' high-order thinking in microbiology lectures. This research was conducted by using exprient method. The research population is 7 classes with a total of 280 students. The sample is determined by cluster random sampling, the class of Dik A uses six task patterns in the contextual learning order as much as 36 people and the class of Dik C with the pattern of six tasks in the direct learning order as many as 35 people. Data were obtained by using pretest and postes in the form of an essay test. The analysis technique used t test at 5% significance level. The result of the research is found that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted t calculated = 7.758 (p = 0.000), it means that pattern of six task model in contextual learning order is more effective used to influence student's high thinking skill in microbiology lecture at Biology Education Program FMIPA of Universitas Negeri Medan